Learning Materials

Job Aid: Customer Service

Highlights: Features quick guide to support Rise Course

Tools: Canva, PowerPoint

Time: One Day

Client: Dollar Energy Fund

Collaborators: Client/ Idol Course Academy

Challenges: The challenge was to create a supplemental resource to keep the skills learned in the Customer Service Rock Star course current.

Solutions: The job aid lists the important items from the course in an outline format.

Results: The job aid is a ready-made resource to use as needed for reference of content learned.

Explainer Video

Highlights: Features a Powerpoint presentation with screenshots transfered into a Camtasia video

Tools: Powerpoint, Camtasia

Time: One Day

Client: PNC

Collaborators: Client/Idol Course Academy

Challenges: The challenge was to create an explainer video from a PowerPoint Presentation.

Solutions: Use screenshots of email set-up paired with audio and video to make a quick micro-learning.

Results: The asset explains how to set up a Gmail account in the form of a story with voice over, audio and video.