About Me

My Journey

Hello, and welcome to my site. I am a professional educator with 20 years experience crafting learning experiences for both students and adults.
I love the user research side of creating content. Asking the right questions and translating answers into actionable insights is my super power! Understanding the user, especially the pain points that are not spoken, is what I bring to UX and Instructional Design.
Presenting ideas in a cohesive and compelling way is what a stakeholer will experience with me on your team.
My portfolio of UX case studies includes 3 projects illustrating my research and design thinking as I worked towards my UX Certification through Google. Visit Money Sense to view my dedicated mobile app and a responsive website with prototypes for multiple devices. For Instructional Design, visit my Rise and Storyline examples. I am always learning! Camtasia is my latest. Visit my explainer video for creating a Gmail account.