
Prototype: Jeopardy-Style Game

Highlights: Template with Focus indicators, Question slide, Learn more slides, Customized Feedback slides, Results collected using variables.

Tools: Articulate Storyline, PowerPoint

Time: 4 hours

Client: Self

Collaborators: Idol Course Academy Members

Challenges: Create fast ways to insert content into a ready made template with a game inspired theme.

Solutions: Design tempates that can be used multiple times with different colors, styles and content.

Results: A collection of read-made templates that save time and aid in rapid construction of deliverables.

Rise Course

Highlights: A Top 10 List of the best practices for exceeding customers' expectations with scenario and interactive features.

Tools: Articulate Rise and Powerpoint

Time: 15 Hours

Client: Dollar Energy Fund

Collaborators: Idol Course Academy/Client

Challenges: Provide quick eLearning Tool to support customer service representative training.

Solutions: Create interactive features and a scenero for application of skills learned.

Results: Deeper understanding of content with focus on application.


Highlights: Blueprint for course development

Tools: PowerPoint

Time: Few days

Client: Dollar Energy Fund

Collaborators: Idol Course Academy/client

Challenges: Create a rise course using researched based customer service strategies.

Solutions: Storyboard provides a blueprint for course development.

Results: Storyboard provides means for ideation prior to development ensuring a successful deliverable.